Electrical Engineers, Technical Advisors, Exporters of Engineering Materials & Equipment |
Copper & Copper Alloy
Copper has made possible the continued, efficient development of the electrical industry because copper has the
highest conductivity of the commercial metals. Copper has ideal mechanical properties at low, ambient and elevated
temperatures. Copper is easily fabricated or cast to shape and copper can be readily machined. Copper has excellent
resilience to oxidation and corrosion. The thin oxide layer that does form is conductive, meaning that good joints
have a long service life. From high voltage transmission cables to microcircuits, and from megawatt generators to
computers, in every aspect of electricity generation, transmission and use, copper is the vital, energy efficient metal.

Because of its good conductivity, strength, ductility and resistance to oxidation, copper is the most obvious material
to specify for the manufacture of busbars. Most basbars are manufactured from high conductivity copper by the hot
extrusion of billet to rectangular cross section followed by drawing to finished size. Angled sections are formed from
rolled or extruded strip.
- Copper busbars
- Brass coils
- Copper coils
Coils are used for mass production of components for factory assembly lines. Grades and specification are available
to customer specification.